For founders

It's never too early to reach out. 

If you're building a company in the Horn of Africa, or you're thinking about starting one, we want to meet you. Even if you're not ready to "pitch" us yet. 

What we're looking for in a company: 

For early-stage companies

The most important thing is progress. Show us that your team gets things done. Tell us about your revenue, users, partners, and employees. Your previous experience matters. Explain how you've set difficult goals and accomplished them, even if they're not related to your current company. Or show us that you have expertise and work experience related to your current company.

For mature companies

Progress is essential, and so is business quality. Show us that you have good financials, a capable, dedicated team, and a plausible path to 50-100x growth. Be honest and open about the state of your business, and make sure you understand your industry better than anyone else.  Have a track record of integrity and a roster of happy customers who have good things to say about you. 

Here are some resources that might help you operate and fundraise for your company: 

YCombinator - Startup School

Harlem Capital Pitch Deck Guide

Unusual Ventures Startup Field Guide